Feedback Form

Thank you for joining us at this year's family gathering. We would like to have you attend the next reunion in 2026, and we would like to get more people to attend. Please help the family by answering these few questions. Feel free to write on a sheet of paper and mail it to us or just email your comments to the family email account (  We will be sure to get your thoughts to the next organizing committee. 

1. What things did you like the best about this year's event? 

2. Is there anything you really didn't like? 

3. What could have been done to make the gathering more enjoyable for you? 

4. Do you have any ideas on what we could do to get more family members to attend? 

5. What would you like to tell the organizers of the NEXT reunion? 

6. Do you have any other feedback for us?

The 2024 Ben Alford Family Reunion Planning Committee

Damon Alford
Atlanta District President